Monday, June 25, 2012


We decided that this was the year for our family to pick up the game of golf.  Jason has wanted to play for years but it is such a commitment I have not been willing to get into the game.  This year I realized that we make the time and money commitment for so many other activities that there is no reason we couldn't make room for a sport that interested Jason so here we are picking up golf.  I took my golf lessons while the kids were in school.  Thanks to many years of chipping and putting in our back yard I wasn't a complete newbie.  I played my first nine holes with Jason and played it with a final score of 59.  Not the best score but not bad for the first time on the course.  We took the kids out to play nice holes with us.  We weren't sure how it would go but figured we had to start somewhere.  We chose the course were I took my lessons (and where the kids will take their lessons this summer) since it is nearby and on the weekends kids play free after 3pm (with an adult).  The course was empty at that time so we had no pressure to play fast.  We let the kids hit off the tee and then picked their ball up and dropped them near ours.  The guy who works at the course told us that we should let the kids hit from anywhere on the fairway with their tee and if there was a top of a hill the kids could hit from to let them so that they can also fee some satisfaction of seeing their ball go a good distance.  We thought this was great since we weren't expecting such a family friendly attitude.  By the time we made it to the sixth hole the kids were pretty much done playing golf so Jason and i played on while the kids watched.  On the seventh hole the guy we spoke with on the first hole came buy in his cart and asked us if we wanted him to take the kids club and leave them up at the house on the first hole so we wouldn't have to carry them.  Again we were surprised at the helpful family friendly attitude.  It was great.  We all had a great time playing and we are looking forward to many days on the course this summer.

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