Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dinner Cruise

One of our friends turned 40 recently and celebrated with a Boston Harbor dinner cruise.  Jason and I sent the kids with my parents for the night so we did not have to worry about getting back for a babysitter or waking up early with the kids the next morning.  The cruise was fun.  We boarded the boat along with some high school prom.  They were on a different deck than us but it was fun to see them all dressed up.  Of course we got a couple looks as "the old people" but that is fine with me.  The insecurity of prom is not something I would want to repeat unless of course I could repeat it with all the knowledge I have gained since then.  Anyway, dinner was nice and then went up on deck to look at the city from the water.  It was too cold to stay out there for very long so we headed back in for some dancing.  It has been a long time since I have been dancing.  There was another party there as well with adults who were about our age.  There was some old school music played and they broke out in dance moves I remember from high school.  I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who stills remembers the moves.  After the cruise we headed back in the limo to our friends house where a few of us hung out until 4AM.  I haven't been up that late in ages!  Jason spent a lot of his time playing darts but I played ping pong for about 2 hours straight.  I had no idea I had any skill at ping pong.  When I told my dad I was surprised he responded with, "I'm not surprised.  You played it all the time when you were little.".  I remember having a ping pong table but I emember being horrible at it and my brothers ALWAYS creamed me so I didn't end up playing very much.  I guess my defeats stuck with me longer than the knowledge of my ability.  I am glad I had those formative years becuase ping pong was so much fun!  I did play darts for a little bit but there was no surprise there...I wasn't very good.  All in all it was a great night.  We crawled into bed and went to sleep happy and didn'
t have to wake up at 7AM which made it even sweeter!

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