Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Second Grade Science Fair

This year Ali had her turn to participate in the second grade science fair.  Thanks to the handy book Sofia received from Auntie Carlene last year we were able to find a fairly straightforward experiment for Ali to complete.  I mainly let Jason take on the job of science fair.  I tend to want to just get the job done but he is very good at explaining the process and letting the kids work their way through the problems.

Ali decided she wanted to grow crystals.  It didn't require a lot of materials and did not require me to tote containers of water into school so I was happy with the choice.  I have to admit the project was pretty cool and Ali was able to discover what made crystals grow big or small and if they developed quickly or not.  She hand wrote all her notes which I thought was great and I agreed to type them up since they needed to be written quite large to fill the display board.  She writes more neatly than Sofia did at that age (and neater than Sofia now too!) so it was easy to follow her notes.

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