Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Swim Banquet

Sofia's swim team had an end of year banquet. Sofia had a blast with her friends.  When we arrived we walked in together but she quickly shooed me over to a table with parents so that she could sit alone with her friends.  It was very cute and hard to believe.  The kids talked and ran around until dinner was served and then they were on the dance floor.  One of the older kids on the team was Dj-ing the banquet and he wanted to shoot a harlem shake video.  While it took forever to get it all sorted out the end result made me laugh.  Sofia really busted out the moves.  It is great to see her being herself and being silly even in front of parents and older kids. You can see her in the bottom right (in the front) of this video.

At the end of the night the coaches gave out the trophies to all the kids as well as all the ribbons the kids won over the course of the season.  Sofia took in quite a haul of ribbons.

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