Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kirsty's visit

My girlfriend from Prague sent me an email asking if I wanted a visitor to which I of course responded "YES!".  She booked her flight and arrive on April 17th.  I was so excited and happy to know she was coming.  Kirsty is one of the first people I met in Prague and has been such a great friend.  I was excited for her to come and show her around New England as she had never been to this area before.  As when I would come back to the States I would shop, when Kirsty came we also shopped.  Clothing is so much cheaper her especially with the outlets that is just makes sense to buy things here (although I do miss Promod and Vero Moda in Prague).

Between shopping and toting the kids around to all their activities we managed to bring Kirsty up to the white mountains.  We had to share Polly's Pancake Parlor with her as well as Fraconia Notch.
We did a short hike a mile up a trail to lo
ok at some waterfalls and then headed back down.  The mountain still had snow on it though so going up any further without proper footwear was not advised.  It was beautiful to just walk in the woods and see the waterfall though.  We headed back home with a stop in at the Tilton dinner for another slice of Americana...milkshakes, cheesy fries and fried pickles.  It is fun to have guests because then we can eat the crazy american foods we almost never indulge in.  We had never even had fried pickles before.  I will admit they were pretty good although I can't ever
see ordering them again.

I then took Kirsty down to RI while the kids were in school.  I love RI and love to share it with people.  The beaches are just amazing and the sand is like powder so I took Kirsty down to Sand Hill Cove, Gallilee, Iggy's Chowder House, out on the rocks off Ocean Drive and Narraganset Pier.  After a tour of the shore we headed into Johnston to D. Palmieri's bakery because there is no way to describe bakery pizza to an outsider.  They have to tast it for themselves to understand just how delicious it is!  After picking up bakery pizza it was off to Smithfield to show her the neighborhood I grew up in but more importantly we went to Del's.  Again there is no way to accurately describe Del's.  She just had to have it and she loved it.  How could you not!

As a final night of sharing our area we took Kirsty into the North End for dinner at Giacomo's.  It was worth the wait as usual.  The dinner is excellent.  After dinner we went to get cannolis but along the way we saw a fireman responding to a call and we started to talk to him.  He believed that Modern pastry was the better cannoli where as Jason and I have always gone to Mike's pastry.  We decided to finally give Modern a try.  After taking a bite I headed to Mike's to get some cannoli.  Kirsty preferred Modern pastry and Jason and I agree that the shell at Modern is better but we like the filling at Mike's pastry better.  Either way they are both delicious   It was beautiful night in the city and a great way to end Kirsty's trip.

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