Thursday, May 30, 2013

Loosing Teeth

Ali has been waiting FOREVER to lose some teeth.  She had the dentist pop out her first loose tooth at her cleaning appointment in February because the tooth was so loose.  She has been waiting ever since for more teeth to fall out.  This month it has finally happened....a month before her 8th birthday she has finally started to loose teeth.  One of her bottom teeth was very loose.  One night she went to bed but came downstairs because her tooth was hurting so much when she was sucking her thumb.  We told her there wasn't much we could do about it.  She could either stop sucking her thumb to fall asleep or she could pull her tooth out.  She opted for pulling it out.  She sat with us and wiggled her tooth back and forth until it came out.  It was pretty gross and I could really watch her do it but she managed it and was so happy to have it out I don't think she cared that it hurt a little bit.  She was happy to be able to suck her thumb to go to sleep and was super excited for the tooth fairy.  Last week her top tooth was very loose.  Sofia accidentally popped Ali in the face which continued to make it loose.  She went to bed and woke up in the morning with another tooth gone.  This time she had to write a note to the tooth fairy since we assume she swallowed her tooth because we couldn't find it.  Her other front tooth is loose now.  Pretty soon Ali will have to start eating with her gums!

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