Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hip update

I do not have good news to report on my hip.  I haven't quite digested it all yet so bare with me.  I saw the doctor on Monday.  My expectation was he was say to have surgery then rehab and then back to normal activity.  Well, he did say surgery and then 6 months of no real activity and NO MORE RUNNING!  He said if I wanted to run it would be a 2 mile maximum.  This is awful news to me as most of you know I love running.  He said that if I was planning on running after the surgery then there was no point in doing the surgery because I would just end up needed a total hip replacement. I was in such shock I couldn't think of any questions.  I had Sofia with me in the room as well and while I was trying to be brave and not cry for what I was losing so that Sofia wouldn't be worried she broke down in tears because she felt bad for me.  It was very sweet and I guess was a good distraction for me so that I held it together.  On Tuesday I sent an email off to the Doctor's assistant with a bunch of questions that I couldn't think off after hearing the shocking news.  I received more unexpected information.  I thought I would be on crutches for 2 weeks.  I was wrong.  His PA called me back and told me to expect to be on crutches for 6 weeks and I won't be able to drive for 4 weeks!  I have worked on shifting schedules and finding friends to drive the kids around for the beginning of summer as my surgery is scheduled for June 24th.  I'm feeling a little better emotionally and can now talk about it without choking up.  It will be an adjustment but I will just have to find another sport to enjoy.  Such is life! :)

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