Monday, July 15, 2013

Trip to Grammie and Grandpa's house

The girls finished up school and had a couple days off before they headed off to Maine to spend time with Grammie and Grandpa over the 4th of July.  They had a fantastic time.  Ali had a slight fever one day but it was short lived thankfully.  Sofia headed into a bead shop with her Grammie to make jewelry.  She made a couple bracelets and a couple rings and did a nice job on them.  I will have to find some place local to bring the girls again this summer since she really seemed to enjoy it.  They went to a local farm to try to pick strawberries but the field was already picked over for the day but they did manage to get funky tie-dye t-shirts from the farm.  I think the highlight for them was going to the lake.  Grammie and Grandpa have a friend with a house on a lake and they spent one afternoon there.  Fortunately Grammie and Grandpa's friends had their grand kids for a visit as well so the girls had kids their age to play with.  Sofia made good friends with Grace (age 12) and Ali played with the younger boy.  They went out on a boat and jumped in the water and swam to a floating dock.  They definitely had fun.

While the kids were away Jason and I did not do much.  We did manage to get out to eat a couple times which was nice and we took a drive to Rockport, MA.  We had never been to Rockport before and I had heard it was suppose to be a cute village.  It was really cute.  We spent a couple hours just walking up/down one road since I'm quite slow on my crutches but it was nice to finally be out of the house.  We then went to Lat 43 restaurant in Gloucester which is one of my favorite restaurants.  The seafood is so fresh and I love sitting outside right on the harbor. We sent Sofia a picture so she could see where we were eating and she wants to go so I'm sure we will be back there again a few times this summer.

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