Monday, July 15, 2013

Two Week Post Op

I had my two week check up last Monday.  I was hoping the doctor would tell me I was doing so well and that because things were better in my hip then he thought that I would be able to ditch my crutches.  Unfortunately for me that was not the case.  His response to my question was , "6 weeks and not one day less.".  So then I started to ask him questions about what I could do but before I even finished my questions he interrupted with, "don't even ask me.  You can't do anything."  That makes him sound mean but it was actually quite funny.  He told me he already spoke to Jason on the day of the surgery and told him that he was going to have to hold me back.  It made me laugh because he doesn't even know me yet he seems to know me quite well.  Sitting around doing nothing is driving me bonkers.  I can already see my right thigh starting to atrophy.  I do get though that in order to heal properly and get back to activity I need to just chill and let my body heal. If I try to do to much I am just going to make my recovery even longer.

Anyway, my stitches are out and I'm waiting for the steri strips to fall off.  I have been cleared to drive and now I can go in a pool/lake/ocean if I want.  I can't actually swim yet but I can just go in and stand to cool off. I go back to the doctor in 5 weeks from today and then maybe he will clear me to start riding a stationary bike for a short amount of time.  I will definitely get clarity on what that means so that I will have an exact number so that I don't overdo it.  I have my good days and my bad days.  My pain is minimal at this point but there is just a general discomfort and achy-ness.  I can sit up/bend at 90 degrees but sitting on hard surfaces is difficult.  I can't just move my leg the way I want so I can't get up and down and do anything I want.  The other main issue is how quickly I become exhausted.  I get that my body is using its energy to heal my hip but it is still shocking to me how tired I get.  I trimmed watson's hair yesterday and bathed him and then had to lie down for the rest of the afternoon.  I was so tired I couldn't even think straight.  My bad days are generally at night when I'm tired and become overwhelmed with how long it will be before I'm recovered so my "bad" days are more mentally bad than physically bad.

I'll keep you posted along my journey.  Hopefully things continue to improve with no set backs.

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