Friday, October 4, 2013

1st Day of School

It is hard to believe another school year is upon us.  Sofia entered forth grade this year which meant she changed schools and now has a LOCKER!!  This is a big step and a locker is soooooo exciting.  Of course they can't lock their lockers and the only thing in the locker is their backpack and jacket but it is still very exciting.  I bought Sofia a mirror and a pencil holder for her locker along with a couple magnets.  This year Sofia moved up with one girl from her class and knew a couple of the other girls from her switch class last year as well as from soccer so at least she wasn't starting with completely unknown kids.  She was disappointed to not be with her friends though.  Once she started everything was great.  She likes the kids in her class and she LOVES her teacher.  I went to curriculum night and I have to say I have never seen a teacher so pumped to be a teacher.  She is the type of person who should be a teacher.  She clearly has a passion for teaching and for kids and this isn't just a job that gets summers off.  From everything I hear from other parents her teacher is probably one of the best in the school system.

Ali entered third grade and moved up with two girls from her previous class.  She knew some other kids in the class as well so while her best friend wasn't in her class she was comfortable.  Her teacher seems nice and from what Ali tells me she is a good mix of hard work and nice.  If you work hard and do what you are suppose to do then she is nice.  I like that.  So far Ali has had consistent homework which is a relief since she didn't get that last year.  She knows she needs to complete it because her teacher expects her to and her teacher expects her to be responsible for maintaining her workload.  I do like that this teacher is teaching the kids personal responsibility.  Hopefully the year continues to go well.

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