Friday, October 18, 2013

Skype and Ali's BFF

When we left Prague Ali had to say good-bye to her best friend, Cianna.  Fortunately, Cianna was moving to Australia which made the separation easier but it was quite sad because they were so close.  I assumed though that as with most young friendships time and space wither away memories and friends continue on their separate ways.  Ali and Cianna have not do so however.  They both continue to write letters to each other and as a bad mother I sometimes don't mail them.  I kind of assumed that Cianna would have moved on to other friends.  I emailed with my friend Elizabeth, Cianna's mom, only to find out that Cianna had written about eight letters to Ali that Elizabeth hadn't sent. So while they have both made new friends and have new BFFs they have maintained their bond.  We both felt pretty bad and set up a time for the girls to Skype.  Again I thought it would be a quick call because what do two little girls have to say to each other when their daily lives don't intersect??  I was wrong..they stayed on Skype for TWO hours and only ended it because I had to put Ali to bed.  We ended the call with a promise that they would talk the next day and sure enough another two hour Skype call!  It is a challenge to find the time for them to talk because Perth, Australia is a 12 hour time difference from here but I will have to make sure I give Ali the time to talk with her BFF!

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