Friday, October 18, 2013

Camping and the Fryeburg Fair

We headed up to Fryeburg to go to the Fryeburg Fair.  The kids really enjoy the fair and it is fun to see them enjoy all the rides, games, animals etc.  They love going in the little red school house as well.  I have probably blogged about the school house in previous years but it was the school that Jason's grandmother attended and it was on their land.  His grandmother donated the school house to the fair so now everybody can enjoy that piece of history.  I think it is a good way to keep the girls connected to their history and their great grandmother. 
Grammie (as I call her) was an awesome lady.  Always kind and always genuinely seemed to be interested in what we had to say.  The girls think it is fun to sit at the desks in the school house and write on the mini chalkboards at each seat.  We looked again for Clementine the draft horse but we didn't see her this year and we walked through four draft horse barns looking for her.  We took the kids on Monday so we could see some of the woodsman day activities but we misjudged the excitement.  The start of the day was pretty boring and all the seats in the grandstand were filled by 8:30AM so it was hard for the kids to see unless they were on our shoulders.  At 48lbs Ali gets to be heavy after a while!  Next year if we attend on woodsman's day we will  have to see if there is a list of events so we could see only the ones we wanted to watch rather than trying to randomly guess when they might be doing something exciting.  We also messed up our days for the pig scramble and the sheep dog trials.  We thought they were on the same day as the Woodman's day but they weren't so next year we will have to try to get that right.  I think the kids would really enjoy watching the sheepdog trials.

In addition to the fair Jason and the girls camped out.  Given my hip and the fact that I had the implant done only a couple days before I decided it probably wasn't a good idea for me to sleep in the tent but the kids had a blast.  I went out to the tent to get them settled in and we played a few hands of cards before I said good night.  Jason says they played a little more and then it was lights out.  Some animal must have come in front of the barns because it turned on the motion sensor light.  That made Ali a little nervous because it sent a lot of shadows over the tent.  Then they had the excitement of hearing the deer come out of the woods and start eating apples right next to the tent.  After all that excitement the girls fell to sleep and slept through the night.  Jason in is advanced years woke up every couple hours with a sore shoulder...sore back...etc.  Camping is definitely much easier when you are young!  In the morning they woke up to a thick fog which made the kids feel like they were in the middle of nowhere and they loved that.  Jason started the backpacking/camping stove to heat up water and they enjoyed oatmeal and hot chocolate while sitting on a rock.  It was a good time had by all.

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