Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Am A Student

I went to Sofia's All School Meeting last week.  It was her first All School Meeting at her new school so I was looking forward to see how it changes from the 2/3 grade school to the 4/5 grade school.  It is hard to pinpoint the differences but there are differences.  It seems the change from 2/3 to 4/5 is more in the child interaction.  It is less grabby/squealy and more heads bent towards each other whispering.  Maybe they are finally learning the art of the whisper.  For this first meeting Sofia's class was performing a song.  One of the kids in Sofia's class had taken the Katy Perry song "Roar" and changed the lyrics.  The teacher heard it and thought it was a great idea so then the rest of the class joined in to rewrite all the lyrics from the song.  They did a great job.  Here is the video.

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