Friday, October 4, 2013


With the start of school comes the start of all the after school activities.  The girls are once again chock full.  Ali is at the gym 4 nights a week and Sofia has swimming 4 times a week and will occassionaly by 5 times a week.  Sofia also has soccer practice twice a week and a game on the weekend.  She also has piano lesson once a week.  Fitting everything in is a bit of a struggle but I have managed to make a schedule that works.  It isn't ideal but I can't complain.  Due to the kids bus schedules and the fact that they get out of school at different times I have to pick the kids up from school four days a week.  In a way this is good becuase it means Ali gets her homework done in the car while we wait for Sofia to get out of school.  Being in the car means she has nothing to distract her from her work so she gets it done quicker than she would if she were doing it at home in the kitchen.  It gives her quiet time to read her book as well so I make sure she gets in her twenty minutes of required reading a day.  Once we pick Sofia up from school I drive Ali over to the gym which gives Sofia time to do her homework before I drive her to her practices.  The only times she has to wait to do her homework is when she has homework that has to be done on the computer.  So while it is a lot of work for me and leaves me in my car from 2:15 until about 7 - 7: 45, it gives the kids a very structured way to get all their responsibilities taken care of.

Now that the kids are in school and I have been cleared by my doctor to start riding the stationary bike and using the elliptical runner I have joined a gym.  I hate going to the gym as I would rather just put on my running sneakers and go for a run I know I can't do that yet.  The exciting news is that the doctor said he will probably start me running at the eight month mark.  My hip wasn't as bad as he thought it was so he expects me to tart running.  In order to get ot the that point I need to put in the work at thy gym.  I started at 5 minutes and have built up to 15 minutes on the bike and 15 minutes on the elliptical.  Slow and steady I will get back to where I want to be.  I just keep telling myself that this is rehab so I don't push it too hard.

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