Thursday, November 10, 2011


While we lived in Statenice I would go to a shop named Lidl.  The slogan was "It's Cheap".  It was cheap.  You couldn't go there with a grocery list since what they had was always different and some days they wouldn't have butter.  However, it was always a surprise when you went and sometimes you felt like you hit the jackpot and other times you made due with what was available.  Fortunately for me there is an Aldi supermarket in the next town over from us now.  Aldi is a German grocery chain like Lidl which is also German.  It is very random but cheap.  They surprisingly brought the whole european concept with them when they opened this have to insert a coin to get a cart which you get back when you bring the cart back and you have to pay for bags or bring your own.  They don't bag any groceries for you either.  As I'm so used to this it doesn't bother me at all and makes me feel slightly at home.  Today I went to Aldi since they had sweet potatoes on sale for $1 per bag which is quite a deal.  I didn't get a cart becuase I was just going in for sweet potatoes.  I should have known better!  I went back out and got a cart and added items to it as I went along.  I was reminded of how I felt about Lidl today when I hit the jackpot at Aldi and came across bacon wrapped filet mignons on sale.  I never thought I would say it but I miss Lidl.....thank goodness for Aldi!

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