Monday, November 7, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

While pumpkins seem to hit the shelves at the end of August I refused to purchase one until at least October.  I did decorate the house with fall items by mid September but pumpkins really mean Halloween to me.  Also I knew as soon as we bought pumpkins the kids would want to carve them and once a pumpkin is carved it does not last very long.  We waited until about a week before Halloween and went and bought our pumpkins from Harvey's Farm.  We all like going to Harvey's.  It is close to us and it is an organic farm and the farmer and his daughter are very nice people.  We bought to nice big pumpkins.      The girls decided how they wanted to carve their pumpkins.  Ali chose a design out of one of the pumpkin carving books but Sofia designed hers all by herself.  She got a piece of paper and drew what she wanted he jack-o-lantern to look like.  We taped it to the pumpkin and the cut it out.  I did the cutting but Sofia pushed all the pieces out of the pumpkin and she also sorted out her seeds from all the inside junk.  Jason cut Ali's pumpkin out but she also did the same as Sofia and sat there and separated all the seeds out of her pumpkin.  They were both happy with their end products.

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