Sunday, November 20, 2011

ENT update

Last week I brought Sofia in to have her ears checked. She had had a slight cold in the middle of November and I thought her hearing might be a little down so I figured it was a good time to bring her in to an ENT. I had wanted to have her checked anyway since having all the issues and tubes etc in Czech I just wanted a U.S. doctor to check her out. We arrived at the doctor's office and the nurse practitioner came in to take down Sofia's history. When I mentioned that when Sofia had her tubes put in Czech they found a cholesteotoma that definitely changed the game plan. It was definitely something to be taken seriously. They moved us to a different room so that the doctor could look at Sofia's ears through a microscope. He said they looked good and had some fluid behind the drum but that is was very liquid so not a problem. He mentioned that one ear drum had a slight bubble shape to it which could just be how she was formed but since he had never seen her before he couldn't be sure. He wanted to make sure that there was no reoccuraence of the cholesteotoma so he sent us down to have a CT Scan done of Sofia's ears. Once complete we headed back to the doctor's office. I am happy to say that there is no cholesteotoma and Sofia's ears look healthy. The doctor did say that at a minimum I should have her ears checked every year but he would like it done every six months. If there is any dramatic change in her hearing that would be a sign that the cholesteotoma is back and they would want to see Sofia in his office right away. He did soften it a little by adding that if it hasn't come back by now that it probably wouldn't. That was good to hear. So, after a thorough check I am happy to report that Sofia and her ears are doing fine.

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