Sunday, November 20, 2011

End of Soccer

The girls had their last soccer game of the season last week.  Thankfully it wasn't as cold as the previous week and actually ended up being quite pleasant.  It is amazing how much the girls have improved over the course of the season.  Their teams have stopped moving around the field in clumps.  They haven't mastered the game by any stretch but they are starting to see how the game works.  They had a great season and are excited to play again next fall.  They opted out of playing in the spring league because it is a coed and they are not quite ready to play with boys.  I am fine with that.  I am just happy that they had such a good time playing a game that I loved as a child.  Here is a picture of Sofia's team at the end of the game.  Unfortunately i forgot my flash card for my camera when we went to Ali's game but I did take a quick video with my phone.

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