Monday, November 7, 2011

American Girl Birthday party

Sofia went to her first American Girl birthday party yesterday for her friend Emma.  She has not expressed a ton of interest in American Girl dolls but my friend warned me that that would all change after the party.  As we walked in to the store (there is a cafe upstairs) I was asking Sofia is she wanted one of the dolls and she said not really I just like dressing them up.  I dropped her at the party and left to spend an hour and a half browsing the mall.  When I arrived back and picked her up she announced that she "really, really really" wants Kanani.  We left he party and Sofia and her friend Kate browsed the American Girl shop for probably a good thirty minutes.  I didn't mind that she was doing it since it gave her some more time with her friend and since she had a friend to browse with it meant I could stand around talking with Kate's mom, Kara.  As we drove home in the car Sofia looked at the American Girl catalog.  She announced that she really wanted Julie's bed.  I asked her how much it was since I want her to be aware that American Girl doll and their things are very expensive.  I guess she gets that though because she said, "Ummmmmm...I don't want to tell you."  She did eventually tell me it was $125 and we talked about that she can ask for it for Christmas but if she is asking for expensive things like American Girl dolls, accessories and new skis that she may get fewer packages since Santa can't spend all his money on one person.  She seemed OK with that.  I guess she is growing up yet still my baby who wants to play with dolls!

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