Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ski Expo

Last weekend we also went to the Ski and Snowboard Expo in Boston.  Jason and I had gone to this expo years ago and decided it was time to check it out again.  We were hoping to find kids equipment for cheap.  We remembered the expo being filled with vendors selling equipment at fairly low prices.  Well, we were dissappointed on that front.  We did get a pair of gloves for Sofia and also one for Jason but there were no children's skis at all.  The event is mainly vendors from resorts/mountains.  It was still not a complete waste becuase it was fun and we were able to speak with a rep from Shawnee Peak about lessons for the kids.  We will stop by when we are near there next week just to confirm the information but I think that is where we will put the kids into ski lessons this winter.  We also stopped by the booth for Big Sky Montana and the guy gave us a Big Sky sticker.  We were very excited about this becuase he just had some in his bag and wasn't just giving them out so we thought we were going to be out of luck.  Big Sky is the only place that we have skied that we did not have a sticker from.  All the other mountains we have skied we had stickers for that we put on our ski tube.  It was just a fun way of keeping a memory.  Unfortuantely this leads to bad news.....On Monday I went to go put the sticker on our ski tube only to realize that we do not have a ski tube and also therefore no skis!  They apparently never made it over from the Czech Republic.  Of course it is already past the insurance time period so we are out of luck and left with trying to figure out what we do about skis this year.

On a more upbeat note, here is a video of the girls at the expo trying to walk across a rope.

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