Monday, November 7, 2011


We have deer that come to our yard.  We know they come because they are eating some of our bushes and most recently we know because they are kind enough to use our backyard as their personal toilet.  Apparently we will have to train the deer as we have trained Watson which is to only poop or pee in the woods!  I also think if they are going to eat my bushes and poop in my yard they should be kind enough to stop by when we can see them.  It is only fair!  I was finally rewarded with seeing the deer the other day.  I was sitting at the kitchen table and Watson was in the sun room.  He started barking like crazy.  I assume it was just a squirrel but he wouldn't stop barking so I got up to check to make sure it wasn't a coyote coming back into our yard.  I couldn't believe it when I got into the sun room and sure enough there were two deer standing at the edge of the woods.  I was surprised they hadn't run away with all Watson's barking and then with my movement walking into the sun room.  I turned around and called the girls in to see the deer.  Again even with the movement the deer stayed where they were.  I decided to go get my camera so I left eh sun room went upstairs to get my camera and change my lens and then come back to the sun room and the deer were still there.  They are clearly not shy of humans! I was able to snap a few shots before they wandered off.  We will be putting deer fencing up soon so that they won't be coming into our yard but I'm glad I got to see them at least once.

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