Monday, November 7, 2011

Good Bye Envious Swimming

When we moved back to the States I started the girls at Envious Swimming.  It is a great program offered in Warwick that has learn to swim programs straight through swim team so the kids can grow within the program.  The girls loved taking lessons there.  They loved their teachers and have really improved their swimming.  Sofia moved up onto the swim team and is doing amazing.  I sat down one day though and started doing the math.  I realized that I was putting one hundred miles a week on my car to bring the kids to swimming...about 5,000 miles a year!  Add the price of gas onto that and the fact that we drive an hour there and an hour home for 30 minutes of swimming for Ali and 45 minutes of swimming for Sofia.  It just was not worth it especially since Sofia really wanted to start swimming more than once a week.  I started looking around us for swim teams that also had learn to swim programs since Ali is not ready for swim team.  I spoke with Marshall who is the head coach at Envious to get his take on the different options.  We settled on the Westboro Tennis and Swim club which I will write about in a separate post.  The kids had their last practice with Envious on October 28th.  They were very sad to leave.  Hopefully we will have a chance over the course of the year to pop in to Envious to swim with the team since the kids would really enjoy that.  I made sure I snapped a couple pics before we left.  Here is Sofia with Marshall and a video of Ali diving with Dori.

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