Friday, May 4, 2012

5k Foot Pursuit Race

Jason and I along with my brother, Joe, and his wife, Jen, ran the 5K foot pursuit race in Narragansett last Sunday.  It was the perfect day for a race.  It was sunny, not too hot and not too cold.  I was hoping for a personal best time since I have increased my training running pace quite significantly in the last year.  My running partner here is a faster runner than I am and she has continually pushed me to go faster.  I am happy to run with her since I enjoy improving my running and challenging myself.  In any event the gun sounded and we were off and running.  I headed out ahead of Jason initally to clear the crowd but he quickly caught up to me and passed me.  His pace was not much faster than mine however and I had him in my sites for most of the race.  For the final mile stretch I was trying to close the gap between us but I just couldn't catch up.  I knew he would never let me pass him and would have had to try and sneak past him as he kept looking over his shoulder to see where I was.  That was fine though.  I crossed the finish line 7 seconds behind Jason which was a huge accomplishment for me.  I did achieve my personal best 5K race time with a 7:46 per mile pace coming in at 24:04.  I think I can still beat that but I'll enjoy that time until I have the chance to beat myself again!  It was great to run a race with my brother as well.  He pulled in an awesome time himself given he only started running about a week before the race.  I was very surprised to see him cross the finish line  in under 28 minutes!  He and Jen are going to try to stick to a running plan and run a 10K in the fall and a 10 miler next summer.  I'm excited that my brother might get into running as I am and I'm looking forward to running with him in the future.

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