Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Weekend in Maine

Its been a while but we finally made it up to Maine again for a weekend.  We lucked out with nice weather which meant the kids could be outside for most of the weekend.  On Saturday Jason and I worked on a list of chores for his mom since she can't do everything (and shouldn't) given she is recovering from her most recent ankle surgery.  We changed over the compost piles, moved a blueberry bush, mowed around the blueberry patch, moved bird baths, watering plantings being readied for the garden etc.  It was nice to be outside doing yard work.  I will say though that the number of bugs in Maine at Jason's parent's house is amazing!  It is all what you get used to because as I was standing there constantly swatting at the thousands of bugs running into me I noticed that Jason's mom didn't even seem to notice.  The black flies were out in force which was unfortunate.  I only got one bite but poor Ali has five or six bites and they are just brutal.  The poor kid had blood dripping from behind her ear and on her scalp and didn't even know it!  Fortunately she is a kid who just keeps on going.  The girls had a blast playing outside.  I'm glad we don't allow them to watch much TV and send them outside to play all the time because it really lets their imaginations run wild and gives them the ability to come up with games to play no matter where they are.  I had to laugh when they gathered up a saw horse out of the barn with a blanket and proceeded to add pipe cleaners to it for a head and tail to make it a "real" horse. Also, note how their braids are sticking out.....strategically placed pipe cleaners in the braids!

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