Friday, May 4, 2012

Science Fair

The entire second grade at Sofia's school had a science fair back in March (yes I'm behind on my blogging).  There were three days of the science fair so that each class would have an opportunity to show off their projects.  Sofia's project was to grow stalactites. Jason and Sofia worked on the project together and had it set up about a month ahead of the fair since it would, in theory, take that long to grow the stalactites.  They may have put in a little too much baking soda as they didn't end of forming stalactites but instead formed stalagmites.  We had a rush at the end of the project to pull the information board together since I did not realize her project had to be in school a day before the science fair.  Originally we were going to have Sofia hand write out all her information on the poster board but given our loss of a day I had her just write everything onto paper and I typed it up to make it neat.  She did a good job and then during the science fair did a good job of explaining her experiment to her friends and teacher.

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