Friday, May 4, 2012

Gymnastics Party

As I already posted Sofia had her birthday party with our family on her birthday but she also wanted a party with her friends.  I don't think I will continue having two parties every year but given this is our first year back in the States I wanted to give her the opportunity to see her whole family as well as help her solidify friendships.  She decided she wanted to have a party at the gym where she and Ali do gymnastics.  Having done this party now I would do it again in a second.  The kids had an absolute blast and I had to nothing except take pictures! No set up, no clean up, no entertaining, kids get exercise and everyone is happy.  I can't ask for much more than that.  They had the entire gym to themselves and two instructors to lead them around to each area for different games.  Sofia invited all the girls in her class as well as friends she has met since moving here.  Here is a pic of Sofia and all her friends at the party.

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