Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fresh Vegetables

This year Jason and I decided it was time to join in a local farm share.  We love fresh vegetables and joining the farm gives us the ability to eat fresh vegetables that have been grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides. The farm that we joined is also growing on our road and therefore we get to see how the food is grown as well as gives us, as a family, a chance to try a wide variety of vegetables that one or all of us may or may not have eaten before.  I'm excited for the upcoming growing season and the challenge of using all the vegetables that come our way.  My goal will be to waste nothing so I will have to put my canning skills to the test but I love the challenge of canning new items.  I am also low on my jam supplies so instead of trying to find fresh veggies this year I can focus my efforts on finding excellent pick your own strawberry, blueberry and raspberry farms.  We moved here last year in the middle of blueberry season so I know of a couple local farms for blueberries but I will need to hunt out good strawberry farms.  The kids enjoy picking the fruits and they like being on the farms and I like them having to do some work for their food.  They can understand what goes into harvesting food and then they can see how to make their own healthy, pesticide free, chemical free foods.  I will keep you posted on all the yummy veggies we get from our farm share as well as all our fruit picking adventures.  If anyone is interested in buying a share in a farm here are a few farms in the area:

Long Life Farm

Heirloom Harvest Community Farm

Stearns Farm CSA

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