Friday, May 4, 2012

Boston Marathon

This year was the first year that we have watched the Marathon.  For some reason even when Jason and I lived in Boston we never went to the marathon.  I think now that I'm a runner and have run a marathon I have a much greater appreciation for what the runners in the marathon have put in to training and all the hard work it takes to make it to race day and finish.  This year we decided to watch the marathon from about mile 1.5 with the kids.  Before the race came through I had the girls run on the road so that they can say they have run part of the Boston Marathon route.  Who know, maybe they will run it for real when they are older and they will always have this picture as a memory of their first time running on that road. 
The kids wore their running gear to cheer on the runners.  They were a little shy at first but then really started to get into it.  They were giving high fives and cheering loudly for everyone which was awesome.  The runners were great too and at times would line up to give them high fives.  Some even cut across the road to give high fives.  The girls ended up with a pair of sunglasses and a red sox hat that runners gave to them as they passed by.  The kids were occassionally grossed out by some very sweaty high fives but it didn't stop their cheering.  It was a beautiful day to be a spectator but a horrible day for runners.  We were sweaty from standing still so running 26.2 miles must have been brutal.  I went for a 5 mile run once we got home from the race and that was incredibly hot so the runners deserve a lot of respect for finishing that race!

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