Friday, May 4, 2012

Museum of Science

After enjoying the Ecotarium we decided to see when the next available date was to get discounted tickets from the library to go to the Museum of Science.  Fortunately for us it was on Good Friday and the kids didn't have school.  We headed into the museum in the morning and spent the entire day there exploring as much as possible.  Jason and the girls had mapped out the key things they wanted to see so that we made sure we didn't miss something "really important".  We saw the dinosaur exhibit, the lightening show, the planeterium, the butterfly garden, geckos, New Enlgnad habitats, natural mysteries and the piano staircase.  You could easily spend multiple days exploring the museum but after spending the entire day there the kids were happy and tired and ready to head home.  I'm glad we went as it has been one of the things on our list of "things to do" and Jason has wanted to go for a long time.  I think it is the prefect age to go the musuem b/c the kids can really understand things and ask questions.  They enjoyed everything so much that I'm not even sure what they would say was their favorite.  I can say though the cutest picture came from the buttefly garden.

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