Friday, May 4, 2012

Logan's birthday party

It is nice to be back in the States so that we can actually go to birthday parties for the family.  This is the first birthday that Logan has had that we have even been in the country.  The kids had a great time joining Logan at the Children's Museum for his birthday.  There were enough kids and parents around that I think I only saw Logan for a brief glance a couple times.  Our girls were also running around having a great time.  They were playing with the other kids and with each other.  When I finally caught up with them they were painting each other's faces.  They actually did a great job.  If they ever want to make a few dollars when they are older they can hire themselves out for face painting at birthday parties!  It is hard to believe that the kids are all getting old enough that we don't have to keep track of them 24/7.  They get freedom to enjoy play with the friends and cousins and the adults get to relax a bit...good for everyone.

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