Friday, May 4, 2012


This year for Easter we stayed home and kept it low key.  We have been busy and have a lot going on in our lives so decided to not add any stress.  We went to chruch on Saturday night so we could just relax in the morning.  I made cinnoman rolls the night before so that in the morning we could just pop them in the oven.  We woke up in the morning to a not left by the Easter bunny.  The kids followed the yarn around the house to find their Easter baskets.  The Easter Bunny left them candy but also, books and clothing.  I appreciate that the bunny understands there is only so much candy that kids should eat!  Even though usually we would not allow candy before breakfast we made an exception for Easter so the kids were quick to eat up some of the candy.  The video below is what happens after kids have candy before breakfast!  Anyway, we took it easy for the rest of the morning, had salami, cheese, crackers and bread for lunch and headed out to the driving range int he afternoon.  We decided on a simple dinner of take out Chinese food.  After dinner I hid some eggs in the back yard and we let the kids have an Easter Egg hunt.  It was a different but nice way to celebrate Easter.

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