Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Run For Your Lives - Zombie 5K

On Saturday Jason and I ran a 5K obstacle course that was inhabited by Zombies who were trying to steal the three flags we each had.  I wasn't sure what to make of this race but Jason was keen to do it so I decided to give it a shot as well.  It was CRAZY!  We started out in a dark tunnel.  When the gun went off we headed out of the tunnel into bright daylight and smoke so we really couldn't see anything while we headed up a very steep high hill.  I can understand why a lot of people walked the hill...it was killer!  By the top I was breathing hard and generally uncomfortable but there is no rest for the weary in a zombie run becuase as you crest the hill there are zombies waiting to steal your flags. We continued to run as best we could given how much mud there was to get through.  We went through the obstacles which to our surprised there were not that many of them.  There were a lot more zombies than we had anticipated though so there was a lot more strategy trying to figure out how to get around them.  I have never seen so much mud before nor have I ever had to run/walk through it.  There were many times when running just wasn't possible when the mud was up above my ankles!  Jason ended up losing all three of his flags which was fortunate for me becuase that gave him the freedom to run block for me against the zombies allowing me to run past them without losing my last flag.  We made it to the final obstacle which was to climb up onto a platform and slide down into a vat of brown slimy water, climb out and head over to the giant slip and slide down the hill (the one we climbed up at the start).  This might sound like fun but in reality it was painful for me and I am left with a nice big bruise on my hip but we made it down the slip and slide into a huge pit of muddy water, climbed out and headed to the finish.  To cross the finish line we had to wriggle under a fence first.  THere were a lot of small rocks on the ground which I figured would really hurt my knees so I decided to keep myself raised up a bit.  That was a bad decision as the fence was electrified and I got a nice zap on my bum that radiated through my body.  I quickly chose the painful rocks and scooted out from under the fence amd we finished together.  I was so cold from being in all the mud and water so we got our change of clothes and got dressed in dry clothes and sat and enjoyed the atmosphere with bands playing, food and drinks (I didn't drink much as I was absolutely forzen to the bone and the thought of any cold beverage was more than I could take).  It was a fun day and we ran the race with Jason's boss and former co-worker so it was a nice group to have together.  We ended up leaving the race around 2:30 but fortunately for us one of the guys stayed becuase I placed 2nd for alive (had flags left) female so I won and award.  You can only collect the award if you are there so it was great that Jason's friend Darin stayed becuase he collected it for me.  I was so excited to have placed in a race!  It is a first for me and very exciting.  So I place 2nd for alive females, 9th for overall females, 14th out of 394 in our wave and 109 overall (men/women alive/dead) out of 6,321 that ran.  As Jason was right next to me he came in 15/384 in our wave and 111/6321 overall.  It was a great race and we had a lot of fun sticking together to complete the race.  I think the next obstacle course I just let Jason have at it though so he can push himself to the limit for his personal best time.  Maybe by skipping a couple of the courses I will forget my bumps and bruises from the Zombie run and be ready to do it all over again.  Either way, on the street or in the woods running is fun and it is fun to do it with a partner.

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